
Monday, May 30, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

on my{tiptoes}

this shoe,
in shades of white,
a gift for a friend
{i never knew how hard it is to photo white on white!!!}

& the sun{chasing butterflies through the lilacs}
[actually im not sure if these are lilac bushes?] 

& loveliness & lilacs for you!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

~ {colourwheels & rainbows.. .

Hi lovelies!

today is:
beautiful birds{such gorgeousness!!!}
italian blackwork{i would love to do this!!!}
a pear{too beautiful to eat!!!}
her kites and bookmarks{which are utterly divine!!!}
& this lace{i hope one day to make!!!}

wishing visions of velvet coloured dreams for you!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

~ a bounty.. .

cup-fulls, arm-fulls and rainbows of shimmering petals for you on Mothers Day.. .
whether you are a mother or a child!!!
{these are for you}

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cinderella's Shoe ~


a little bit of loveliness
kindest of wishes for you