
Thursday, May 27, 2010

an embroidery hoop~with pocket

you will need:
an embroidery hoop
fabric {for the hoop}
alternating/complimentary fabric {for the pocket}
a needle & thread
beads & crimp beads {for the hanging attachment}
paint & paintbrush {if you want to paint the hoop}
& if you want to put a bouquet of flowers in:
fabric {for the flowers}
& toothpicks {for the stems}
& glue :)

carefully paint the outside & front
well, any part that will be seen. because my fabric was lace, i also painted the inside of the inner hoop & the front of it as well

make sure the fabric is snug
& place the pattern of symbols where you think they will stand out or look the nicest

roughly cut the shape of a pocket. for a more crisp look, cut one side to the shape you like, then fold in half & cut around to even

then fold the top down, placing the backs of the fabric together.

then sew a straight stitch across & gather the top of the pocket, so it kind of puckers up femininely

tie that off so it holds & continue to straight stitch around the edge of the pocket {without folding a seam} so you can pull it into a gather at the end.
the pocket can now be sewn onto the embroidery hoop, i just stitched in a few places because of the delicacy of the material.
~ also, i felt like there was too much pocket material sagging so i pinched some up towards the top & stitched it into a sort of a double collar for the pocket. then i rolled up a tiny scrap of material into a log & tucked it doen the bottom of the pocket to help it keep its shape.

next add the contents to the pocket, either a sweet little book, note tied with string, or fabric flowers{on a toothpick}.

then embellish the outside of the pocket with some more lace & a ribbon

be imaginative with the little flowers

add embellishments as you desire

& then you'll have somewhere to keep special things...

hope you all have a lovely week!!!

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